Business Opportunity

Q. What's so great about the dry cleaning business?

A. In the present time, the dry cleaning industry is the only one that does NOT have a brand name. For example, in the car industry there are already many brand names such as Honda, Toyota, Ford and Nissan. In the soda pop industry, there are already Coca Cola and Pepsi. Virgin Cola has huge funds, but they find it hard to get a big part of the soda pop industry because there are already many big names.

But if there are no big names, it makes it much easier to get a piece of the pie. And the pie isn't all that small. Across the country, over $10 billion dollars are used for dry cleaning, and over 30,000 cleaners across the country. In Libertyville alone, there are over 5 small dry cleaning stores.

Q. Alright, but what does that do for me?

A. This can make you a millionaire! In this industry, millionaires are created every year!

The average American millionaire is an ordinary person who accumulated their wealth in one generation slowly and carefully, either owning a chain of stores, a small factory, or a service store.

This is where PSQ DryClean comes in. We are not your average small corner cleaner. We are a new concept in the market of drycleaning.

Unlike the luxury cleaners for the high class, we don't make a lot of money on each garment. Instead we make a little profit on every garment, and when you multiply that by a large number of customers, you will find that your profit isn't all that small.

Q. So it can make me a millionaire. But why would the customer choose PSQ, and not the other one-price cleaners, or other million cleaners out there?

A. PSQ DryClean is a new concept in the field of dry-cleaning. We combine the great quality of the most luxurious cleaners, with the nicest price.

How do we do this?

PSQ DryClean eliminates all fancy steps and unnecessary things to lower the price down dramatically on each article of clothing. There is no gender discrimination, so that all pants, skirts, shirts, blouses and sweaters are all the same price. With our assembly line process that utilizes to the fullest extent the capabilities of our employees, each step is polished and accurate making sure that the customer's clothes receive the treatment they deserve. Through our process, quality is not possibility but a guarantee. Yet despite the fact that the quality is the best, we still manage to charge only a fraction of what other stores do.

Roll all of that in with excellent service, and the customers will find themselves being pulled back to our store.

Q. That all sounds great, but how is that different from the other stores?

A. Well, the smaller stores use older machines that pollute the environment. Not only does the machine pollute the ground, it technically does not clean the customer's clothes either.

This is due to the fact that the solvent drycleaning requires is expensive and a machine will reuse the solvent for many loads before drycleaners would be willing to change it. Though the solvent does pass through a filter but after time, the filter becomes extremely dirty and actually starts releasing more filth into the already dirtied solvent. Thus, when you bring your clothes into these cleaners, you are merely trading your soil for someone else's.

With one-price cleaners, they're cheap and fast, but their quality is another matter. It doesn't matter to them if it's a wedding gown or just a work shirt, they would treat them both the same way. Therefore, the way they end up would also be the same way.
Two words, bad quality.

With the luxury cleaners, their process and efforts are very meticulous, but that also makes them almost three times more expensive than the other cleaners.

PSQ DryClean takes all the good parts of every type of system and put them all together, while getting rid of the bad parts.

We have excellent Price, Service and Quality.

If you are interested in becoming our business partner, please give us a call at 1-847-247-8880.


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